**This patcher has been tested with, and should work with new releases into the near future.** ********************************************************** Instructions ********************************************************** 1. Install MacDrive 2. After you installed, don't restart it. (Important) 3. Goto Run and type services.msc in text box. Look for "Macdrive 9 service" and stop it. 4. locate M4LIC2.DLL (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mediafour) 3. M4LIC2.DLL cannot be patched cause its currently in use, so copy it to the patch location and patch it there 4. Rename the active M4LIC2.DLL (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mediafour) to M4LIC2_.DLL or M4LIC2.DLL.bak 5. Move the patched M4LIC2.DLL to where you renamed the original (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mediafour) 6. Goto Run and type wf.msc in text box. On the left panel, click on Outbound Rule. 7. On the right panel, click on New Rule and make sure the following parameters are met: - Rule Type: Program - Program Path: C:\Program Files\Mediafour\MacDrive 9\Activate MacDrive 9 Pro.exe - Action: Block the connection - Profile: Domain, Private, Public - Name: Any Name that you like to input 8. Repeat step 7 with the same parameters except Program Path change to C:\Program Files\Mediafour\MacDrive 9\MacDrive.exe 9. Repeat step 7 with the same parameters except Program Path change to C:\Program Files\Mediafour\MacDrive 9\MacDrive9Service.exe 10. Repeat step 7 with the same parameters except Program Path change to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mediafour\M4CheckForUpdates.exe 11. Goto Run and type services.msc in text box. Look for Macdrive 9 service and restart it. 12. Disconnect from internet (if you do not you will never see the activate offline option) 13. Open C:\Program Files\Mediafour\MacDrive 9\MDQuickStart.exe and click on activate button. 14. Input MX9EW-U4567-8900X-YZAB9 as serial number then click on next button. 15. Select I have no connection to the Internet Option and input WWWWWRWW-WWWRWWWW-WRWWWWWR as key then click on finish. 16. Goto Run and type services.msc in text box. Look for Macdrive 9 service and stop it. 17. Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add this text into bottom of this file: act2.mediafour.com